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SINGLES (Cartas Individuales)
- 5DS1 (Starter Deck: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's)
- 5DS2 (Starter Deck: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's 2009)
- 5DS3 (Starter Deck: Duelist Toolbox)
- ABPF (Absolute Powerforce)
- ABYR (Abyss Rising)
- AGOV (Age of Overlord)
- AMDE (Amazing Defenders)
- ANGU (Ancient Guardians)
- ANPR (Ancient Prophecy)
- AP03 (Astral Pack Three)
- AP04 (Astral Pack Four)
- AP05 (Astral Pack Five)
- AP06 (Astral Pack Six)
- AP07 (Astral Pack Seven)
- AP08 (Astral Pack Eight)
- AST (Ancient Sanctuary)
- BLAR (Battles of Legend: Armageddon)
- BLC1 (Battles of Legend: Chapter 1)
- BLHR (Battles of Legend: Hero's Revenge)
- BLLR (Battles of Legend: Light's Revenge)
- BODE (Burst of Destiny)
- BOSH (Breakers of Shadow)
- BP01 (Battle Pack: Epic Dawn)
- BROL (Brothers of Legend)
- CBLZ (Cosmo Blazer)
- CHIM (Chaos Impact)
- CIBR (Circuit Break)
- CORE (Clash of Rebellions)
- COTD (Code of the Duelist)
- CT07 (Collectible Tins 2010)
- CT10 (2013 Collectible Tins)
- CT13 (2016 Mega-Tins)
- CT14 (2017 Mega-Tins)
- CYHO (Cybernetic Horizon)
- DAMA (Dawn of Majesty)
- DANE (Dark Neostorm)
- DESO (Destiny Soldiers)
- DP1 (Duelist Pack: Jaden Yuki)
- DP2 (Duelist Pack: Chazz Princeton)
- DP08 (Duelist Pack: Yusei)
- DP09 (Duelist Pack: Yusei 2)
- DP10 (Duelist Pack: Yusei 3)
- DP11 (Duelist Pack: Crow)
- DPDG (Duelist Pack: Dimensional Guardians)
- DR1 (Dark Revelation Volume 1)
- DRLG (Dragons of Legend)
- DOCS (Dimension of Chaos)
- DT04 (Duel Terminal 4)
- DUDE (Duel Devastator)
- DUOV (Duel Overload)
- DUPO (Duel Power)
- DUSA (Duelist Saga)
- EXFO (Extreme Force)
- ETCO (Eternity Code)
- FLOD (Flames of Destruction)
- HA02 (Hidden Arsenal 2)
- HISU (Hidden Summoners)
- HSRD (High-Speed Riders)
- IGAS (Ignition Assault)
- INCH (The Infinity Chasers)
- INOV (Invasion: Vengeance)
- JOTL (Judgment of the Light)
- LART (The Lost Art Promotion)
- LC5D (Legendary Collection 5D's)
- LCKC (Legendary Collection Kaiba)
- LDK2 (Legendary Decks II)
- LDS1 (Legendary Duelists: Season 1)
- LED2 (Legendary Duelists: Ancient Millennium)
- LED3 (Legendary Duelists: White Dragon Abyss)
- LED4 (Legendary Duelists: Sisters of the Rose)
- LED5 (Legendary Duelists: Immortal Destiny)
- LED6 (Legendary Duelists: Magical Hero)
- LED7 (Legendary Duelists: Rage of Ra)
- LEDD (Legendary Dragon Decks)
- LEDE (Legacy of Destruction)
- LEDU (Legendary Duelists)
- LEHD (Legendary Hero Decks)
- LIOV (Lightning Overdrive)
- LOB (Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon)
- LTGY (Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy)
- MACR (Maximum Crisis)
- MGED (Maximum Gold: El Dorado)
- MP15 (2015 Mega-Tin Mega Pack)
- MP17 (2017 Mega-Tin Mega Pack)
- MP18 (2018 Mega-Tin Mega Pack)
- MP19 (2019 Gold Sarcophagus Tin Mega Pack)
- MP20 (2020 Tin of Lost Memories)
- MP21 (2021 Tin of Ancient Battles)
- MP22 (2022 Tin of the Pharaoh's Gods)
- MYFI (Mystic Fighters)
- NECH (The New Challengers)
- OP01 (OTS Tournament Pack 1)
- OP02 (OTS Tournament Pack 2)
- OP04 (OTS Tournament Pack 4)
- OP11 (OTS Tournament Pack 11)
- OP14 (OTS Tournament Pack 14)
- OP21 (OTS Tournament Pack 21)
- ORCS (Order of Chaos)
- PEVO (Pendulum Evolution)
- PGLD (Premium Gold)
- PGL2 (Premium Gold: Return of the Bling)
- PGL3 (Premium Gold: Infinite Gold)
- PHRA (Phantom Rage)
- PRIO (Primal Origin)
- RA01 (25th Anniversary Rarity Collection)
- ROTD (Rise of the Duelist)
- RP01 (Retro Pack)
- RYMP (Ra Yellow Mega Pack)
- SAST (Savage Strike)
- SDBT (Structure Deck: Beware of Traptrix)
- SDCL (Structure Deck: Cyberse Link)
- SDFC (Structure Deck: Freezing Chains)
- SDHS (HERO Strike Structure Deck)
- SDMP (Master of Pendulum Structure Deck)
- SDRE (Realm of the Sea Emperor Structure Deck)
- SDRR (Structure Deck: Rokket Revolt)
- SDJ (Starter Deck: Joey)
- SDP (Starter Deck: Pegasus)
- SECE (Secrets of Eternity)
- SHVA (Shadows in Valhalla)
- SHVI (Shining Victories)
- SOFU (Soul Fusion)
- SP1 (Sneak Peek Participation Cards: Series 1)
- SP17 (Star Pack Battle Royal)
- SR02 (Rise of the True Dragons Structure Deck)
- SR06 (Structure Deck: Lair of Darkness)
- SR07 (Structure Deck: Zombie Horde)
- SR14 (Structure Deck R: Onslaught of the Fire Kings)
- SS03 (Speed Duel Starter Decks: Ultimate Predators)
- TDIL (The Dark Illusion)
- THSF (The Secret Forces)
- TOCH (Toon Chaos)
- TP4 (Tournament Pack 4)
- TSHD (The Shining Darkness)
- TU02 (Turbo Pack: Booster Two)
- VASM (Valiant Smashers)
- YS11 (Starter Deck: Dawn of the Xyz)
- YS13 (Super Starter: V for Victory)
- YS18 (Starter Deck: Codebreaker)
- YSDS (Starter Deck: Syrus Truesdale)
- YSYR (Starter Deck Yugi Reloaded)
- SDCH (Structure Deck: Spirit Charmers)
- DUEA (Duelist Alliance)
- LDS2 (Legendary Duelists: Season 2)
- BLVO (Blazing Vortex)
- DLCS (Dragons of Legend: The Complete Series)
- SDSH (Structure Deck: Shaddoll Showdown)
- GAOV (Galactic Overlord)
- GFTP (Ghosts From the Past)
- PGD (Pharaonic Guardian)
- MP16 (2016 Mega-Tin Mega Pack)
- SR08 (Structure Deck: Order of the Spellcasters)
- DRL2 (Dragons of Legend 2)
- HA01 (Hidden Arsenal)
- RIRA (Rising Rampage)
- SHSP (Shadow Specters)
- REDU (Return of the Duelist)
- SDPD (Pendulum Domination Structure Deck)
- SPWA (Spirit Warriors)
- SR03 (Machine Reactor Structure Deck)
- EGO1 (Egyptian God Deck: Obelisk the Tormentor)
- EGS1 (Egyptian God Deck: Slifer the Sky Dragon)
- BLRR (Battles of Legend: Relentless Revenge)
- DRL3 (Dragons of Legend: Unleashed)
- PRC1 (Premium Collection Tin)
- STBL (Starstrike Blast)
- GEIM (Genesis Impact)
- HA07 (Hidden Arsenal 7: Knight of Stars)
- YS16 (Starter Deck - Yuya)
- SDAZ (Structure Deck: Albaz Strike)
- SDSA (Structure Deck: Sacred Beasts)
- NKRT (Noble Knights of the Round Table Box Set)
- YS17 (Starter Deck: Link Strike)
- FIGA (Fists of the Gadgets)
- CT11 (2014 Mega-Tins)
- SOD (Soul of the Duelist)
- CRMS (Crimson Crisis)
- YGLD (Yugi's Legendary Decks)
- MP14 (2014 Mega-Tin Mega Pack)
- LCJW (Legendary Collection 4: Joey's World Mega Pack)
- HAC1 (Hidden Arsenal: Chapter 1)
- LCGX (Legendary Collection 2: The Duel Academy Years Mega Pack)
- CT05 (Collectible Tins 2008 Wave 2)
- SDKS (Structure Deck: Seto Kaiba)
- DIFO (Dimension Force)
- SR05 (Structure Deck: Wave of Light)
- FUEN (Fusion Enforcers)
- CDIP (Cyberdark Impact)
- MAGO ( Maximum Gold)
- SD3 (Structure Deck: Blaze of Destruction)
- SKE (Starter Deck: Kaiba Evolutio)
- BP02 (Battle Pack 2: War of the Giant)
- OP08 (OTS Tournament Pack 8)
- RATE (Raging Tempest)
- SDGU (Gates of the Underworld Structure Deck)
- FET (Flaming Eternity)
- DB2 (Dark Beginning 2)
- MFC (Magician's Force)
- SDZW (Zombie World Structure Deck)
- BP03 (Battle Pack 3: Monster League)
- DPYG (Duelist Pack: Yugi)
- RGBT (Raging Battle)
- YA02 (Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Volume 2 promotional card)
- KICO (King's Court)
- OP10 (OTS Tournament Pack 10)
- CT09 (Collectors Tin 2009)
- SDBE (Saga of Blue-Eyes White Dragon Structure Deck)
- SS01 (Speed Duel Starter Decks: Destiny Masters)
- STOR (Storm of Ragnarok)
- SP13 (Star Pack 2013)
- GENF (Generation Force)
- CROS (Crossed Souls: Advance Edition)
- OP13 (OTS Tournament Pack 13)
- OP13 (OTS Tournament Pack 13)
- HA04 (Hidden Arsenal 4: Trishula's Triumph)
- DPCT (Duelist Pack Collection Tin 2008)
- SBTK (Speed Duel: Trials of the Kingdom)
- TU06 (Turbo Pack: Booster Six)
- PHHY (Photon Hypernova)
- PP02 (Premium Pack 2 (TCG))
- EOJ (Booster Pack Enemy of Justice)
- SDDE (The Dark Emperor Structure Deck)
- HA06 (Hidden Arsenal 6: Omega Xyz)
- DREV (Duelist Revolution)
- POTD (Power of the Duelist)
- SD1 (Structure Deck: Dragon's Roar)
- SR10 (Structure Deck: Mechanized Madness)
- DP07 (Duelist Pack: Jesse Anderson)
- TU07 (Turbo Pack: Booster Seven)
- SDLS (Lost Sanctuary Structure Deck)
- DPRP (Duelist Pack: Rivals of the Pharaoh)
- SR01 (Emperor of Darkness Structure Deck)
- YMP1 (Yu-Gi-Oh! 3D Bonds Beyond Time Movie Pack)
- SOVR (Stardust Overdrive)
- SDSE (Synchron Extreme Structure Deck)
- SDWA (Samurai Warlords Structure Deck)
- LC06 (Legendary Collection Kaiba)
- LODT (Light of Destruction)
- EXVC (Extreme Victory)
- SDDL (Dragunity Legion Structure Deck)
- YS12 (Starter Deck: Xyz Symphony)
- LVAL (Legacy of the Valiant)
- MIL1 (Millennium Pack)
- MVP1 (Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dark Side of Dimensions Movie Pack)
- MVP1 (Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dark Side of Dimensions Movie Pack: Gold Edition)
- MVP1 (Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dark Side of Dimensions Movie Pack Secret Edition)
- DASA (Dark Saviors)
- WIRA (Wing Raider)
- SOI (Shadow of Infinity)
- LOD (Legacy of Darkness)
- OP09 (OTS Tournament Pack 9)
- NUMH (Number Hunters)
- OP05 (OTS Tournament Pack 5)
- SDWS (Warriors' Strike Structure Deck)
- SR04 (Dinosmasher's Fury Structure Deck)
- SDOK (Onslaught of the Fire Kings Structure Deck)
- DPBC (Duelist Pack: Battle City)
- SDPL (Structure Deck: Powercode Link)
- TDGS (The Duelist Genesis)
- YSD (Starter Deck 2006)
- SDDC (Dragons Collide Structure Deck)
- EEN (Elemental Energy)
- DP06 (Duelist Pack: Jaden Yuki 3)
- LCYW (Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World Mega Pack)
- SD5 (Structure Deck: Warrior's Triumph)
- SDSB (Structure Deck: Soulburner)
- LC02 (Legendary Collection 2: The Duel Academy Years)
- JUMP (Shonen Jump Vol. 6, Issue 9 promotional card)
- ZTIN (Zexal Collection Tin)
- SDCR (Cyber Dragon Revolution Structure Deck)
- CSOC (Crossroads of Chaos)
- SP14 (Star Pack 2014)
- HA05 (Hidden Arsenal 5: Steelswarm Invasion)
- DPC5 (Duelist Pack Collection Tin 2011)
- DEM1 (Promo Pack - Demo Pack)
- SP15 (Star Pack 15)
- YS14 (Super Starter: Space-Time Showdown)
- TU08 (Turbo Pack: Booster Eight)
- SS02 (Speed Duel Starter Decks: Duelists of Tomorrow)
- THSD (The Shining Darkness)
- SDMY (Structure Deck: Yugi Muto)
- LDS3 (Legendary Duelists: Season 3)
- DP03 (Duelist Pack: Jaden Yuki 2)
- OP12 (OTS Tournament Pack 12)
- DR3 (Dark Revelation Volume 3)
- GSE (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Special Edition)
- YSDJ (Starter Deck - Jaden Yuki)
- GLD3 (Gold Series 3)
- RP02 (Retro Pack 02)
- DT01 (Duel Terminal 1)
- PTDN (Phantom Darkness)
- STON (Strike of Neos)
- TAEV (Tactical Evolution)
- DT07 (Duel Terminal 7)
- WSUP (World Superstars)
- SDGR (Geargia Rampage Structure Deck)
- SR13 (Structure Deck: Dark World)
- BLCR (Battles of Legend: Crystal Revenge)
- DL14 (Duelist League 14 participation cards)
- SRL (Spell Ruler)
- CT15 (2018 Mega-Tins)
- SD4 (Structure Deck: Fury from the Deep)
- GLD4 (Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World Mega Pack)
- SDMA (Structure Deck: Marik (TCG))
- GLAS (Gladiator's Assault)
- MRD (Metal Raiders)
- MRL (Magic Ruler)
- AP02 (Astral Pack Two)
- DPKB (Duelist Pack: Kaiba)
- DL09 (Duelist League 2010 participation cards)
- SDMM (Machina Mayhem Structure Deck)
- GRCR (The Grand Creators)
- SD10 (Structure Deck: Machine Re-Volt)
- YF06 (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Volume 6 promotional card)
- YSKR (Starter Deck: Kaiba Reloaded)
- TWED (Twilight Edition)
- SD2 (Structure Deck: Zombie Madness)
- SESL (Secret Slayers)
- BACH (Battle of Chaos)
- DLG1 (Dark Legends)
- OP06 (OTS Tournament Pack 6)
- SD09 (Structure Deck: Dinosaur's Rage Special Set)
- GFP2 (Ghosts From the Past: The 2nd Haunting)
- CT08 (Collectible Tins 2011 Wave 2)
- MDP2 (McDonald's Promotional Cards 2)
- SGX1 (Speed Duel GX: Duel Academy Box)
- DEM2 (Demo Deck 2015)
- GX1 (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Duel Academy promotional cards)
- DR2 (Dark Revelation Volume 2)
- IOC (Invasion of Chaos)
- SDCB (Structure Deck: Legend of the Crystal Beasts)
- MAMA (Magnificent Mavens)
- HA03 (Hidden Arsenal 3)
- SDLI (Realm of Light Structure Deck)
- GLD1 (Gold Series)
- OP03 (OTS Tournament Pack 3)
- TLM (The Lost Millennium)
- PHSW (Photon Shockwave)
- SP18 (Star Pack VRAINS)
- MAZE (Maze of Memories)
- CT12 (2015 Mega-Tins)
- SDCS (Structure Deck: Cyber Strike)
- HASE (Hidden Arsenal: Special Edition)
- OP07 (OTS Tournament Pack 7)
- TU05 (Turbo Pack: Booster Five)
- DP04 (Duelist Pack: Zane Truesdale)
- POTE (Power of the Elements)
- FOTB (Force of the Breaker)
- CRV (Cybernetic Revolution)
- SD6 (Structure Deck - Spellcaster's Judgment)
- GLD5 (Gold Series: Haunted Mine)
- CP06 (Champion Pack: Game Six)
- CP01 (Champion Pack: Game One)
- SD7 (Structure Deck: Invincible Fortress)
- TU03 (Turbo Pack: Booster Three)
- SD8 (Structure Deck - Lord of the Storm)
- CP03 (Champion Pack: Game Three)
- SD8 (Structure Deck - Lord of the Storm)
- LC01 (Legendary Collection)
- LC01 (Legendary Collection)
- DP05 (Duelist Pack: Aster Phoenix)
- SDRL (Rise of the Dragon Lords Structure Deck)
- YS15 (Saber Force Starter Deck)
- DB1 (Dark Beginning 1)
- RDS (Rise of Destiny)
- DL16 (Duelist League 16 participation cards)
- AC18 (Yu-Gi-Oh! Advent Calendar 2018)
- AP01 (Astral Pack One)
- TU01 (Turbo Pack: Booster One)
- GLD2 (Gold Series 2009)
- TU04 (Turbo Pack: Booster Four)
- DL1 (Duelist League Series 1 participation cards)
- CYAC (Cyberstorm Access)
- TN19 (2019 Gold Sarcophagus Tin)
- TN19 (2019 Gold Sarcophagus Tin)
- YZ02 (Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL Volume 2 promotional card)
- BPW2 (War of the Giants: Round 2)
- LED8 (Legendary Duelists: Synchro Storm)
- LC05 (Legendary Collection 5D's)
- SDSC (Spellcaster's Command Structure Deck)
- XSPU (X-Saber Power-Up)
- XSPU (X-Saber Power-Up)
- LC04 (Legendary Collection 4: Joey's World)
- YG07 (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Volume 7 promotional card)
- SDY (Starter Deck: Yugi)
- WC07 (Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2007 promotional cards)
- SBAD (Speed Duel: Attack from the Deep)
- DT05 (Duel Terminal 5a)
- DT03 (Duel Terminal 3)
- SYE (Starter Deck: Yugi Evolution)
- LC03 (Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World)
- DL18 (Duelist League 18 participation cards)
- DL18 (Duelist League 18 participation cards)
- LED9 (Legendary Duelists: Duels From the Deep)
- PP01 (Premium Pack (TCG))
- PSV (Pharaoh's Servant)
- DCR (Dark Crisis)
- CP05 (Champion Pack: Game Five)
- YR05 (Yu-Gi-Oh! R Volume 5 promotional card)
- DL13 (Duelist League 13 participation cards)
- WGRT (War of the Giants Reinforcements)
- DL15 (Duelist League 15 participation cards)
- HL05 (Hobby League 5 participation card C)
- SBLS (Speed Duel: Arena of Lost Souls)
- TFK (The Falsebound Kingdom promotional cards)
- DPK (Duelist Pack: Special Edition)
- DL17 (Duelist League Series 17 participation cards)
- EP1 (Exclusive Pack)
- LON (Labyrinth of Nightmare)
- OP15 (OTS Tournament Pack 15)
- MOV (Movie Pack)
- DT02 (Duel Terminal Normal Parallel Rare)
- CT06 (Collectible Tins 2009 Wave 1)
- DUNE (Duelist Nexus)
- SDK (Starter Deck: Kaiba)
- DABL (Darkwing Blast)
- SDCK (Structure Deck: The Crimson King)
- CP03 (Champion Pack: Game Three)
- CP04 (Champion Pack: Game Four)
- CP07 (Champion Pack: Game Seven)
- MP23 (25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Heroes Mega Pack)
- BLMR (Battles of Legend: Monstrous Revenge)
- TAMA (Tactical Masters)
- TN23 (25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Heroes)
- ST10 (Ultra Deck: The Three Captains)
- MF03 (Mattel Action Figure promotional cards: Series 3)
- PHNI (Phantom Nightmare)
- SBC1 (Speed Duel: Streets of Battle City)
- SBC1 (Speed Duel: Streets of Battle City)
- SGX3 (Speed Duel GX: Duelists of Shadows)
- SR14 (Structure Deck: Fire Kings)
- INFO (The Infinite Forbidden)
- RA02 (25th Anniversary Rarity Collection II)
- GX02 (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force promotional cards)
- DL12 (Duelist League Promo 12)
- WISU (Wild Survivors)
- STAX (2-Player Starter Set)
- BLTR (Battles of Legend: Terminal Revenge)
- MP24 (25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Mirrors)
- ROTA (Rage of the Abyss)
- CRBR (Crossover Breakers)
- WC08 (World Championship 2008)
- OP22 (OTS Tournament Pack 22)
- RA03 (Quarter Century Bonanza)
- Rarezas
- Colección Duel Terminal
- Idioma Exótico (no ingles / no español)
- Cartas Dañadas/Tocadas (aún legales para torneo)
- Prohibidas
One Piece Card Game
- OP01 (Romance Dawn)
- OP02 (Paramount War)
- OP03 (Pillars of Strength)
- OP04 (Kingdoms of Intrigue)
- OP05 (Awakening of the New Era)
- OP06 (Wings of The Captain)
- EB01 (Extra Booster Memorial Collection)
- PR (One Piece Promotion Cards)
- ST01 (Starter Deck 1: Straw Hat Crew)
- ST02 (Starter Deck 2: Worst Generation)
- ST03 (Starter Deck 3: The Seven Warlords of The Sea)
- ST04 (Starter Deck 4: Animal Kingdom Pirates)
- ST05 (Starter Deck 5: Film Edition)
- ST06 (Starter Deck 6: Absolute Justice)
- ST07 (Starter Deck 7: Big Mom Pirates)
- ST08 (Starter Deck 8: Monkey.D.Luffy)
- ST09 (Starter Deck 9: Yamato)
- ST10 (Ultra Deck: The Three Captains)
- ST11 (Starter Deck 11: Uta)
- ST13 (Ultra Deck: The Three Brothers)
- OP07 (500 Years in the Future Cards)
- ST12 (Starter Deck 12: Zoro and Sanji)
- OP08 (Two Legends)
- ST14 (Starter Deck 14: 3D2Y)
- OP09 (Emperors in the New World)
- ST15 (Starter Deck 15: RED Edward.Newgate)
- ST16 (Starter Deck 16: GREEN Uta)
- ST17 (Starter Deck 17: BLUE Donquixote Doflamingo)
- ST18 (Starter Deck 18: PURPLE Monkey.D.Luffy)
- ST19 (Starter Deck 19: BLACK Smoker)
- ST20 (Starter Deck 20: YELLOW Charlotte Katakuri)
- Rarezas
- Singles en DESCUENTO!
- Dragon Ball Super Card Game
SINGLES (Cartas Individuales)
- Contacto
- Ver todos los productos
SINGLES (Cartas Individuales)
- Ver toda esta categoría
- 5DS1 (Starter Deck: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's)
- 5DS2 (Starter Deck: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's 2009)
- 5DS3 (Starter Deck: Duelist Toolbox)
- ABPF (Absolute Powerforce)
- ABYR (Abyss Rising)
- AGOV (Age of Overlord)
- AMDE (Amazing Defenders)
- ANGU (Ancient Guardians)
- ANPR (Ancient Prophecy)
- AP03 (Astral Pack Three)
- AP04 (Astral Pack Four)
- AP05 (Astral Pack Five)
- AP06 (Astral Pack Six)
- AP07 (Astral Pack Seven)
- AP08 (Astral Pack Eight)
- AST (Ancient Sanctuary)
- BLAR (Battles of Legend: Armageddon)
- BLC1 (Battles of Legend: Chapter 1)
- BLHR (Battles of Legend: Hero's Revenge)
- BLLR (Battles of Legend: Light's Revenge)
- BODE (Burst of Destiny)
- BOSH (Breakers of Shadow)
- BP01 (Battle Pack: Epic Dawn)
- BROL (Brothers of Legend)
- CBLZ (Cosmo Blazer)
- CHIM (Chaos Impact)
- CIBR (Circuit Break)
- CORE (Clash of Rebellions)
- COTD (Code of the Duelist)
- CT07 (Collectible Tins 2010)
- CT10 (2013 Collectible Tins)
- CT13 (2016 Mega-Tins)
- CT14 (2017 Mega-Tins)
- CYHO (Cybernetic Horizon)
- DAMA (Dawn of Majesty)
- DANE (Dark Neostorm)
- DESO (Destiny Soldiers)
- DP1 (Duelist Pack: Jaden Yuki)
- DP2 (Duelist Pack: Chazz Princeton)
- DP08 (Duelist Pack: Yusei)
- DP09 (Duelist Pack: Yusei 2)
- DP10 (Duelist Pack: Yusei 3)
- DP11 (Duelist Pack: Crow)
- DPDG (Duelist Pack: Dimensional Guardians)
- DR1 (Dark Revelation Volume 1)
- DRLG (Dragons of Legend)
- DOCS (Dimension of Chaos)
- DT04 (Duel Terminal 4)
- DUDE (Duel Devastator)
- DUOV (Duel Overload)
- DUPO (Duel Power)
- DUSA (Duelist Saga)
- EXFO (Extreme Force)
- ETCO (Eternity Code)
- FLOD (Flames of Destruction)
- HA02 (Hidden Arsenal 2)
- HISU (Hidden Summoners)
- HSRD (High-Speed Riders)
- IGAS (Ignition Assault)
- INCH (The Infinity Chasers)
- INOV (Invasion: Vengeance)
- JOTL (Judgment of the Light)
- LART (The Lost Art Promotion)
- LC5D (Legendary Collection 5D's)
- LCKC (Legendary Collection Kaiba)
- LDK2 (Legendary Decks II)
- LDS1 (Legendary Duelists: Season 1)
- LED2 (Legendary Duelists: Ancient Millennium)
- LED3 (Legendary Duelists: White Dragon Abyss)
- LED4 (Legendary Duelists: Sisters of the Rose)
- LED5 (Legendary Duelists: Immortal Destiny)
- LED6 (Legendary Duelists: Magical Hero)
- LED7 (Legendary Duelists: Rage of Ra)
- LEDD (Legendary Dragon Decks)
- LEDE (Legacy of Destruction)
- LEDU (Legendary Duelists)
- LEHD (Legendary Hero Decks)
- LIOV (Lightning Overdrive)
- LOB (Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon)
- LTGY (Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy)
- MACR (Maximum Crisis)
- MGED (Maximum Gold: El Dorado)
- MP15 (2015 Mega-Tin Mega Pack)
- MP17 (2017 Mega-Tin Mega Pack)
- MP18 (2018 Mega-Tin Mega Pack)
- MP19 (2019 Gold Sarcophagus Tin Mega Pack)
- MP20 (2020 Tin of Lost Memories)
- MP21 (2021 Tin of Ancient Battles)
- MP22 (2022 Tin of the Pharaoh's Gods)
- MYFI (Mystic Fighters)
- NECH (The New Challengers)
- OP01 (OTS Tournament Pack 1)
- OP02 (OTS Tournament Pack 2)
- OP04 (OTS Tournament Pack 4)
- OP11 (OTS Tournament Pack 11)
- OP14 (OTS Tournament Pack 14)
- OP21 (OTS Tournament Pack 21)
- ORCS (Order of Chaos)
- PEVO (Pendulum Evolution)
- PGLD (Premium Gold)
- PGL2 (Premium Gold: Return of the Bling)
- PGL3 (Premium Gold: Infinite Gold)
- PHRA (Phantom Rage)
- PRIO (Primal Origin)
- RA01 (25th Anniversary Rarity Collection)
- ROTD (Rise of the Duelist)
- RP01 (Retro Pack)
- RYMP (Ra Yellow Mega Pack)
- SAST (Savage Strike)
- SDBT (Structure Deck: Beware of Traptrix)
- SDCL (Structure Deck: Cyberse Link)
- SDFC (Structure Deck: Freezing Chains)
- SDHS (HERO Strike Structure Deck)
- SDMP (Master of Pendulum Structure Deck)
- SDRE (Realm of the Sea Emperor Structure Deck)
- SDRR (Structure Deck: Rokket Revolt)
- SDJ (Starter Deck: Joey)
- SDP (Starter Deck: Pegasus)
- SECE (Secrets of Eternity)
- SHVA (Shadows in Valhalla)
- SHVI (Shining Victories)
- SOFU (Soul Fusion)
- SP1 (Sneak Peek Participation Cards: Series 1)
- SP17 (Star Pack Battle Royal)
- SR02 (Rise of the True Dragons Structure Deck)
- SR06 (Structure Deck: Lair of Darkness)
- SR07 (Structure Deck: Zombie Horde)
- SR14 (Structure Deck R: Onslaught of the Fire Kings)
- SS03 (Speed Duel Starter Decks: Ultimate Predators)
- TDIL (The Dark Illusion)
- THSF (The Secret Forces)
- TOCH (Toon Chaos)
- TP4 (Tournament Pack 4)
- TSHD (The Shining Darkness)
- TU02 (Turbo Pack: Booster Two)
- VASM (Valiant Smashers)
- YS11 (Starter Deck: Dawn of the Xyz)
- YS13 (Super Starter: V for Victory)
- YS18 (Starter Deck: Codebreaker)
- YSDS (Starter Deck: Syrus Truesdale)
- YSYR (Starter Deck Yugi Reloaded)
- SDCH (Structure Deck: Spirit Charmers)
- DUEA (Duelist Alliance)
- LDS2 (Legendary Duelists: Season 2)
- BLVO (Blazing Vortex)
- DLCS (Dragons of Legend: The Complete Series)
- SDSH (Structure Deck: Shaddoll Showdown)
- GAOV (Galactic Overlord)
- GFTP (Ghosts From the Past)
- PGD (Pharaonic Guardian)
- MP16 (2016 Mega-Tin Mega Pack)
- SR08 (Structure Deck: Order of the Spellcasters)
- DRL2 (Dragons of Legend 2)
- HA01 (Hidden Arsenal)
- RIRA (Rising Rampage)
- SHSP (Shadow Specters)
- REDU (Return of the Duelist)
- SDPD (Pendulum Domination Structure Deck)
- SPWA (Spirit Warriors)
- SR03 (Machine Reactor Structure Deck)
- EGO1 (Egyptian God Deck: Obelisk the Tormentor)
- EGS1 (Egyptian God Deck: Slifer the Sky Dragon)
- BLRR (Battles of Legend: Relentless Revenge)
- DRL3 (Dragons of Legend: Unleashed)
- PRC1 (Premium Collection Tin)
- STBL (Starstrike Blast)
- GEIM (Genesis Impact)
- HA07 (Hidden Arsenal 7: Knight of Stars)
- YS16 (Starter Deck - Yuya)
- SDAZ (Structure Deck: Albaz Strike)
- SDSA (Structure Deck: Sacred Beasts)
- NKRT (Noble Knights of the Round Table Box Set)
- YS17 (Starter Deck: Link Strike)
- FIGA (Fists of the Gadgets)
- CT11 (2014 Mega-Tins)
- SOD (Soul of the Duelist)
- CRMS (Crimson Crisis)
- YGLD (Yugi's Legendary Decks)
- MP14 (2014 Mega-Tin Mega Pack)
- LCJW (Legendary Collection 4: Joey's World Mega Pack)
- HAC1 (Hidden Arsenal: Chapter 1)
- LCGX (Legendary Collection 2: The Duel Academy Years Mega Pack)
- CT05 (Collectible Tins 2008 Wave 2)
- SDKS (Structure Deck: Seto Kaiba)
- DIFO (Dimension Force)
- SR05 (Structure Deck: Wave of Light)
- FUEN (Fusion Enforcers)
- CDIP (Cyberdark Impact)
- MAGO ( Maximum Gold)
- SD3 (Structure Deck: Blaze of Destruction)
- SKE (Starter Deck: Kaiba Evolutio)
- BP02 (Battle Pack 2: War of the Giant)
- OP08 (OTS Tournament Pack 8)
- RATE (Raging Tempest)
- SDGU (Gates of the Underworld Structure Deck)
- FET (Flaming Eternity)
- DB2 (Dark Beginning 2)
- MFC (Magician's Force)
- SDZW (Zombie World Structure Deck)
- BP03 (Battle Pack 3: Monster League)
- DPYG (Duelist Pack: Yugi)
- RGBT (Raging Battle)
- YA02 (Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Volume 2 promotional card)
- KICO (King's Court)
- OP10 (OTS Tournament Pack 10)
- CT09 (Collectors Tin 2009)
- SDBE (Saga of Blue-Eyes White Dragon Structure Deck)
- SS01 (Speed Duel Starter Decks: Destiny Masters)
- STOR (Storm of Ragnarok)
- SP13 (Star Pack 2013)
- GENF (Generation Force)
- CROS (Crossed Souls: Advance Edition)
- OP13 (OTS Tournament Pack 13)
- OP13 (OTS Tournament Pack 13)
- HA04 (Hidden Arsenal 4: Trishula's Triumph)
- DPCT (Duelist Pack Collection Tin 2008)
- SBTK (Speed Duel: Trials of the Kingdom)
- TU06 (Turbo Pack: Booster Six)
- PHHY (Photon Hypernova)
- PP02 (Premium Pack 2 (TCG))
- EOJ (Booster Pack Enemy of Justice)
- SDDE (The Dark Emperor Structure Deck)
- HA06 (Hidden Arsenal 6: Omega Xyz)
- DREV (Duelist Revolution)
- POTD (Power of the Duelist)
- SD1 (Structure Deck: Dragon's Roar)
- SR10 (Structure Deck: Mechanized Madness)
- DP07 (Duelist Pack: Jesse Anderson)
- TU07 (Turbo Pack: Booster Seven)
- SDLS (Lost Sanctuary Structure Deck)
- DPRP (Duelist Pack: Rivals of the Pharaoh)
- SR01 (Emperor of Darkness Structure Deck)
- YMP1 (Yu-Gi-Oh! 3D Bonds Beyond Time Movie Pack)
- SOVR (Stardust Overdrive)
- SDSE (Synchron Extreme Structure Deck)
- SDWA (Samurai Warlords Structure Deck)
- LC06 (Legendary Collection Kaiba)
- LODT (Light of Destruction)
- EXVC (Extreme Victory)
- SDDL (Dragunity Legion Structure Deck)
- YS12 (Starter Deck: Xyz Symphony)
- LVAL (Legacy of the Valiant)
- MIL1 (Millennium Pack)
- MVP1 (Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dark Side of Dimensions Movie Pack)
- MVP1 (Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dark Side of Dimensions Movie Pack: Gold Edition)
- MVP1 (Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dark Side of Dimensions Movie Pack Secret Edition)
- DASA (Dark Saviors)
- WIRA (Wing Raider)
- SOI (Shadow of Infinity)
- LOD (Legacy of Darkness)
- OP09 (OTS Tournament Pack 9)
- NUMH (Number Hunters)
- OP05 (OTS Tournament Pack 5)
- SDWS (Warriors' Strike Structure Deck)
- SR04 (Dinosmasher's Fury Structure Deck)
- SDOK (Onslaught of the Fire Kings Structure Deck)
- DPBC (Duelist Pack: Battle City)
- SDPL (Structure Deck: Powercode Link)
- TDGS (The Duelist Genesis)
- YSD (Starter Deck 2006)
- SDDC (Dragons Collide Structure Deck)
- EEN (Elemental Energy)
- DP06 (Duelist Pack: Jaden Yuki 3)
- LCYW (Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World Mega Pack)
- SD5 (Structure Deck: Warrior's Triumph)
- SDSB (Structure Deck: Soulburner)
- LC02 (Legendary Collection 2: The Duel Academy Years)
- JUMP (Shonen Jump Vol. 6, Issue 9 promotional card)
- ZTIN (Zexal Collection Tin)
- SDCR (Cyber Dragon Revolution Structure Deck)
- CSOC (Crossroads of Chaos)
- SP14 (Star Pack 2014)
- HA05 (Hidden Arsenal 5: Steelswarm Invasion)
- DPC5 (Duelist Pack Collection Tin 2011)
- DEM1 (Promo Pack - Demo Pack)
- SP15 (Star Pack 15)
- YS14 (Super Starter: Space-Time Showdown)
- TU08 (Turbo Pack: Booster Eight)
- SS02 (Speed Duel Starter Decks: Duelists of Tomorrow)
- THSD (The Shining Darkness)
- SDMY (Structure Deck: Yugi Muto)
- LDS3 (Legendary Duelists: Season 3)
- DP03 (Duelist Pack: Jaden Yuki 2)
- OP12 (OTS Tournament Pack 12)
- DR3 (Dark Revelation Volume 3)
- GSE (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Special Edition)
- YSDJ (Starter Deck - Jaden Yuki)
- GLD3 (Gold Series 3)
- RP02 (Retro Pack 02)
- DT01 (Duel Terminal 1)
- PTDN (Phantom Darkness)
- STON (Strike of Neos)
- TAEV (Tactical Evolution)
- DT07 (Duel Terminal 7)
- WSUP (World Superstars)
- SDGR (Geargia Rampage Structure Deck)
- SR13 (Structure Deck: Dark World)
- BLCR (Battles of Legend: Crystal Revenge)
- DL14 (Duelist League 14 participation cards)
- SRL (Spell Ruler)
- CT15 (2018 Mega-Tins)
- SD4 (Structure Deck: Fury from the Deep)
- GLD4 (Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World Mega Pack)
- SDMA (Structure Deck: Marik (TCG))
- GLAS (Gladiator's Assault)
- MRD (Metal Raiders)
- MRL (Magic Ruler)
- AP02 (Astral Pack Two)
- DPKB (Duelist Pack: Kaiba)
- DL09 (Duelist League 2010 participation cards)
- SDMM (Machina Mayhem Structure Deck)
- GRCR (The Grand Creators)
- SD10 (Structure Deck: Machine Re-Volt)
- YF06 (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Volume 6 promotional card)
- YSKR (Starter Deck: Kaiba Reloaded)
- TWED (Twilight Edition)
- SD2 (Structure Deck: Zombie Madness)
- SESL (Secret Slayers)
- BACH (Battle of Chaos)
- DLG1 (Dark Legends)
- OP06 (OTS Tournament Pack 6)
- SD09 (Structure Deck: Dinosaur's Rage Special Set)
- GFP2 (Ghosts From the Past: The 2nd Haunting)
- CT08 (Collectible Tins 2011 Wave 2)
- MDP2 (McDonald's Promotional Cards 2)
- SGX1 (Speed Duel GX: Duel Academy Box)
- DEM2 (Demo Deck 2015)
- GX1 (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Duel Academy promotional cards)
- DR2 (Dark Revelation Volume 2)
- IOC (Invasion of Chaos)
- SDCB (Structure Deck: Legend of the Crystal Beasts)
- MAMA (Magnificent Mavens)
- HA03 (Hidden Arsenal 3)
- SDLI (Realm of Light Structure Deck)
- GLD1 (Gold Series)
- OP03 (OTS Tournament Pack 3)
- TLM (The Lost Millennium)
- PHSW (Photon Shockwave)
- SP18 (Star Pack VRAINS)
- MAZE (Maze of Memories)
- CT12 (2015 Mega-Tins)
- SDCS (Structure Deck: Cyber Strike)
- HASE (Hidden Arsenal: Special Edition)
- OP07 (OTS Tournament Pack 7)
- TU05 (Turbo Pack: Booster Five)
- DP04 (Duelist Pack: Zane Truesdale)
- POTE (Power of the Elements)
- FOTB (Force of the Breaker)
- CRV (Cybernetic Revolution)
- SD6 (Structure Deck - Spellcaster's Judgment)
- GLD5 (Gold Series: Haunted Mine)
- CP06 (Champion Pack: Game Six)
- CP01 (Champion Pack: Game One)
- SD7 (Structure Deck: Invincible Fortress)
- TU03 (Turbo Pack: Booster Three)
- SD8 (Structure Deck - Lord of the Storm)
- CP03 (Champion Pack: Game Three)
- SD8 (Structure Deck - Lord of the Storm)
- LC01 (Legendary Collection)
- LC01 (Legendary Collection)
- DP05 (Duelist Pack: Aster Phoenix)
- SDRL (Rise of the Dragon Lords Structure Deck)
- YS15 (Saber Force Starter Deck)
- DB1 (Dark Beginning 1)
- RDS (Rise of Destiny)
- DL16 (Duelist League 16 participation cards)
- AC18 (Yu-Gi-Oh! Advent Calendar 2018)
- AP01 (Astral Pack One)
- TU01 (Turbo Pack: Booster One)
- GLD2 (Gold Series 2009)
- TU04 (Turbo Pack: Booster Four)
- DL1 (Duelist League Series 1 participation cards)
- CYAC (Cyberstorm Access)
- TN19 (2019 Gold Sarcophagus Tin)
- TN19 (2019 Gold Sarcophagus Tin)
- YZ02 (Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL Volume 2 promotional card)
- BPW2 (War of the Giants: Round 2)
- LED8 (Legendary Duelists: Synchro Storm)
- LC05 (Legendary Collection 5D's)
- SDSC (Spellcaster's Command Structure Deck)
- XSPU (X-Saber Power-Up)
- XSPU (X-Saber Power-Up)
- LC04 (Legendary Collection 4: Joey's World)
- YG07 (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Volume 7 promotional card)
- SDY (Starter Deck: Yugi)
- WC07 (Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2007 promotional cards)
- SBAD (Speed Duel: Attack from the Deep)
- DT05 (Duel Terminal 5a)
- DT03 (Duel Terminal 3)
- SYE (Starter Deck: Yugi Evolution)
- LC03 (Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World)
- DL18 (Duelist League 18 participation cards)
- DL18 (Duelist League 18 participation cards)
- LED9 (Legendary Duelists: Duels From the Deep)
- PP01 (Premium Pack (TCG))
- PSV (Pharaoh's Servant)
- DCR (Dark Crisis)
- CP05 (Champion Pack: Game Five)
- YR05 (Yu-Gi-Oh! R Volume 5 promotional card)
- DL13 (Duelist League 13 participation cards)
- WGRT (War of the Giants Reinforcements)
- DL15 (Duelist League 15 participation cards)
- HL05 (Hobby League 5 participation card C)
- SBLS (Speed Duel: Arena of Lost Souls)
- TFK (The Falsebound Kingdom promotional cards)
- DPK (Duelist Pack: Special Edition)
- DL17 (Duelist League Series 17 participation cards)
- EP1 (Exclusive Pack)
- LON (Labyrinth of Nightmare)
- OP15 (OTS Tournament Pack 15)
- MOV (Movie Pack)
- DT02 (Duel Terminal Normal Parallel Rare)
- CT06 (Collectible Tins 2009 Wave 1)
- DUNE (Duelist Nexus)
- SDK (Starter Deck: Kaiba)
- DABL (Darkwing Blast)
- SDCK (Structure Deck: The Crimson King)
- CP03 (Champion Pack: Game Three)
- CP04 (Champion Pack: Game Four)
- CP07 (Champion Pack: Game Seven)
- MP23 (25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Heroes Mega Pack)
- BLMR (Battles of Legend: Monstrous Revenge)
- TAMA (Tactical Masters)
- TN23 (25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Heroes)
- ST10 (Ultra Deck: The Three Captains)
- MF03 (Mattel Action Figure promotional cards: Series 3)
- PHNI (Phantom Nightmare)
- SBC1 (Speed Duel: Streets of Battle City)
- SBC1 (Speed Duel: Streets of Battle City)
- SGX3 (Speed Duel GX: Duelists of Shadows)
- SR14 (Structure Deck: Fire Kings)
- INFO (The Infinite Forbidden)
- RA02 (25th Anniversary Rarity Collection II)
- GX02 (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force promotional cards)
- DL12 (Duelist League Promo 12)
- WISU (Wild Survivors)
- STAX (2-Player Starter Set)
- BLTR (Battles of Legend: Terminal Revenge)
- MP24 (25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Mirrors)
- ROTA (Rage of the Abyss)
- CRBR (Crossover Breakers)
- WC08 (World Championship 2008)
- OP22 (OTS Tournament Pack 22)
- RA03 (Quarter Century Bonanza)
- Ver toda esta categoría
- OP01 (Romance Dawn)
- OP02 (Paramount War)
- OP03 (Pillars of Strength)
- OP04 (Kingdoms of Intrigue)
- OP05 (Awakening of the New Era)
- OP06 (Wings of The Captain)
- EB01 (Extra Booster Memorial Collection)
- PR (One Piece Promotion Cards)
- ST01 (Starter Deck 1: Straw Hat Crew)
- ST02 (Starter Deck 2: Worst Generation)
- ST03 (Starter Deck 3: The Seven Warlords of The Sea)
- ST04 (Starter Deck 4: Animal Kingdom Pirates)
- ST05 (Starter Deck 5: Film Edition)
- ST06 (Starter Deck 6: Absolute Justice)
- ST07 (Starter Deck 7: Big Mom Pirates)
- ST08 (Starter Deck 8: Monkey.D.Luffy)
- ST09 (Starter Deck 9: Yamato)
- ST10 (Ultra Deck: The Three Captains)
- ST11 (Starter Deck 11: Uta)
- ST13 (Ultra Deck: The Three Brothers)
- OP07 (500 Years in the Future Cards)
- ST12 (Starter Deck 12: Zoro and Sanji)
- OP08 (Two Legends)
- ST14 (Starter Deck 14: 3D2Y)
- OP09 (Emperors in the New World)
- ST15 (Starter Deck 15: RED Edward.Newgate)
- ST16 (Starter Deck 16: GREEN Uta)
- ST17 (Starter Deck 17: BLUE Donquixote Doflamingo)
- ST18 (Starter Deck 18: PURPLE Monkey.D.Luffy)
- ST19 (Starter Deck 19: BLACK Smoker)
- ST20 (Starter Deck 20: YELLOW Charlotte Katakuri)
- Ver toda esta categoría
STRUCTURE & STARTER DECKS (Mazos Preconstruidos)
SPECIAL PRODUCTS (Material Especial y Promocional)
BOOSTERS (Sobres de Cartas)
BOX (Cajas de Sobres)
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SLEEVES (Folios Protectores para Cartas Individuales)
- DECKBOX (Cajas Protectoras para Cartas Individuales)
- PLAYMATS (Tapetes de Juego)
- CARPETAS (Portfolios y Carpetas Temáticas)
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- 01121556719
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Datos de contacto
- 01121556719
- Esquina de "Av Almirante Brown 299", La Boca (lunes, miércoles y viernes, de 12hs a 16hs).
- [email protected]
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